Working on your credit score is a great goal - after all, a strong score opens tons of financial doors for you. Before you set out to raise your credit score, however, it’s also important to understand what has no impact on your score. Concentrating your efforts on something that won’t make a difference can be frustrating, so make sure you’re working smarter - not harder.
Here are several things that seem like they might affect your credit score, but don’t:
While it’s important to consider what doesn’t matter when it comes to calculating your credit score, be sure you know what does.
Generally speaking, pay your bills on time consistently, keep the ratio of credit you use to the amount you have low, be sure to have a good mix of types of accounts, don’t open a lot of new accounts simultaneously and grow you history over time.
And be sure to check out, “What Affects My Credit Score?” for more details on how to be sure you’re doing all the right things to improve your credit score.